4th seminar at schein, November 8th / 9th |
Dear customers,
for the fourth time we are organizing our international seminar at schein.
Personal exchange, time for individual conversations and the possibility to see our production, will be perceived as a way to become more familiar with our product range.
The focus of our two-days event is on the individual and qualified lectures in English language.
This year the main topic will be the analysis of the dynamic and static body. Therefore we have invited Dr. Jens Wippert who is an physiotherapeutic expert. His topic will be the "Spiraldynamik ®".
Robert Kuhn and Simone Werner from Schein will explain the NovaPED sports insoles by showing case examples of usage and adaption in different kinds of sports - especially in Biathlon.
Dr. Stefan Biesenbach will introduce us in manual foot diagnostic. To chose the right therapy or insole, it is important to analyse the foot. With a good palpation of the foot you are able to detect overloaded structures. He will also show us typical diseases of the foot and their treatments.
Of course, you are invited to our evening program, which is in the evening of November 8th, after the first seminar part.
Please take a look into our agenda. We would be pleased if we could welcome many of you on November 8th, 2013.
Seminar application
What is "Spiraldynamik ®" |
Spiraldynamik ® is an anatomically based movement and therapy concept. It was founded by the physiotherapist Yolanda Deswarte, and the Dr. med. Christian Larsen. During the time that he was professionally active as a pediatrician, Christian Larsen repeatedly wondered: "is the universal principle of organization, the spiral, also embodied in man?" Observing the babies and toddlers that he worked with inspired him to research further into movement sequences.
Starting from the observation that many spirals are found in nature, Christian Larsen and the other researchers considered the idea of the spiral as a universal structural principle. One finds the spiral in nature in the form of spiral nebulae, tornadoes, whirlpools and in shells, for example. But it is also found in the body in bones, muscles, ligaments and in the double helix of DNA, the carrier of genetic information. Who is surprised, then, to find that movement also follows these spiral patterns?
Coordinated movements are three-dimensional, using the anatomically given corporal structures. Only the three-dimensional joining of the spiral structures throughout our body makes harmonious movement possible. The form of the body's joints and bones and the arrangement of the ligaments and muscles, indicate the body's preferred movement and rotation directions. Since a spiral has basically two directions of rotation, it is a matter of turning in the direction set forth by the given structure of the body. This anatomical understanding trains precise three-dimensional movement coordination and permits an unexpected variety of movement to emerge.
Spiraldynamik ® enables one to develop an expanded awareness of familiar movement patterns. The three-dimensional use of space as a design element is well known and familiar to dancers and movement educators. The perception of three-dimensional movement possibilities in the joints, however, is barely known. If not used correctly, muscles and ligaments lose elasticity and dynamism and the range and diversity of movement is restricted with time. This results in false movements and overloads of the joints that eventually lead to injuries and pain. Anatomically correct movement in the daily training and professional life is important to injury prevention and is necessary for long-term performance and the durability of the body.
Any further questions or suggestions? Contact us
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Events |
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