NovaPED sports - Further development of the sport shoe insoles product line |
Every sport has its own way of moving and its own set of strains. Due to the constant shifting of forces, there is a risk that the hips, knees or, in particular, the feet will be subjected to too much stress.
In order to reduce excess stress, relieve previously damaged structures and improve movement, we have developed our successful NovaPED sports insole models further. The newest findings from sports medicine were put to use in the design. Each model also has a new, stylish design. The high-quality synthetic blanks were produced using proven foil technology. Each model is adapted to a particular sport and contains specific padding and support elements. Our NovaPED sports insets are also characterised by their low height and high level of comfort.
The new prospectus will be available soon.
New catalogue ARU EVA and rubber material |
The new editions of the existing catalogue include many new materials. The dimensions of some of the products have been changed and we have also expanded the range of colours. The 32-page catalogue is available as a bilingual version (in German and English).
Take a look into the new catalogue
OST trade fair in Cologne |
3.300 visitors from more than 30 countries came to the Rhine metropolis and used the industry forum to find out information, discuss ideas, discover new developments and gain further knowledge. The impressive numbers from 2011 were exceeded by far, as were the organisers' expectations as the affiliated congress and the seminars on offer were also almost fully booked. This year's OST trade fair in Cologne was a complete success for the exhibitors and the visitors.
Carl Otto Maurer, managing director of the publisher C. Maurer Druck und Verlag is convinced that "The orthopaedic shoe technology industry needs, and wants, to have its own events where the complete range of offers from service providers and suppliers is presented in a concentrated form and where future-orientated concepts which are specific to this health trade are presented and discussed at the congress."
We would like to thank the organisers for the fantastic organisation and the visitors for their friendly conversations and their interest in our products.
Any further questions or suggestions? Contact us
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Events |
08.11. - 09.11.2013
4th int. seminar at schein
13.11. - 14.11.2013
Workshop Spiraldynamik (ausgebucht)
15.11. - 16.11.2013
Workshop Spiraldynamik (Zusatztermin)
Workshop SCHEINWORKS construction
29.11. - 30.11.2013
Workshop Diabetesversorgung